Bill Lang

Bill has more than four decades in organizational leadership, financial economics, regulatory policy, and bank supervision and is a recognized thought leader in the space. Bill was a partner at Promontory Financial Group, where he managed engagements for U.S. and foreign-owned banking organizations including systemically important organizations.

Prior to Promontory, Bill served as Executive Vice President and Lending Officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, overseeing prudential supervision, compliance supervision, and discount window lending functions. Bill also served as acting head of risk for the Federal Reserve System in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, where he provided briefings to Federal Reserve Governors, including former Chair Ben Bernanke, co-authored quarterly briefing memos on banking conditions for the Federal Open Market Committee, co-chaired the risk committee for systemically important banking organizations, oversaw the supervisory response to the mishandling of foreclosures by large servicers and led the initiation and implementation of the Federal Reserve’s internal validation program for models used in stress testing large banking organizations.

Before the Federal Reserve, Bill was the Director for Policy Analysis at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, where he co-developed the statistical model supporting fair lending examinations.

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