
Steve served as a distinguished member of the Federal Reserve System’s financial institution supervision and regulation function for over 39 years from 1972 to 2011. After attaining his bank examiner commission from the Federal Reserve Board early on in his career, Steve led coordinated examinations of foreign operations of U.S. financial institutions on behalf of the system for over a decade.

In 1993, Steve was appointed an official of the Federal Reserve Board to lead its supervisory program development and oversight responsibilities for international operations of U.S. headquartered financial institutions and U.S. operations of foreign financial institutions. Steve went on to be the deputy director of the board’s financial institution supervision and regulation function with responsibility for all of the system’s  supervisory programs. During his time at the board, he also represented the system on Basel Committee cross-border supervisory program development initiatives.

Steve completed his career with the Federal Reserve System as the senior officer-in-charge of financial institution supervision and regulation for the 12th Federal Reserve District (comprised of the nine westernmost U.S. states), where he also served as a member of Janet Yellen’s Executive Management Committee for the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco from 2006 to 2011.

After his retirement from the Federal Reserve System, Steve joined Promontory Financial Group as a managing director, helping to enable large financial institutions, both domestic and foreign, to fulfill regulatory requirements.

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