Phoebe Kunitomi

Phoebe has worked in regulatory compliance and risk management at consulting firms and technology startups for most of her career.

Phoebe held a strategy and operations role at LMRKTS, a FinTech startup providing optimization and compression services in derivatives, for over two years until LMRKTS was acquired by Capitols in 2021.

Prior to that, Phoebe helped build Merlon Intelligence, an early-stage machine learning startup in regulatory technology, as its second employee. She began her career at Promontory Financial Group, a financial regulatory consulting firm, where she first held client-facing roles then transitioned from the chief of staff to the chief operating officer.

Phoebe has also run her own fashion brand since 2018. She received her BS in International Economics from Georgetown University and MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

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