
Jeff has over 50 years of banking and risk management experience focusing on  risk identification, risk measurement, risk mitigation, and risk monitoring and reporting.

Jeff was a Managing Director at Promontory Financial Group, for over ten years and was responsible for the credit risk management practice. At Promontory, Jeff advised multinational banks, regional banks, and foreign banks operating in the US on risk management issues, including corporate governance, enterprise risk, and credit risk. Consulting engagements focused on benchmarking against industry best practices, staffing and organization design, risk control assessments, and assessments against regulatory expectations. Client engagements typically involved gap and benchmarking analysis, developing detailed recommendations for remediation, project management, and assistance with implementation of key recommendations.

Previously, Jeff spent 35 years as a senior banking executive with three major U.S. banks: Lehman Brothers, Bank of America and Bankers Trust Company in a variety of business line and risk management positions.

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